Benefits of conservation tillage in Cheakpea production in Charoimak district


1 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. P.O. Box, 19395-4697.

2 Student of Agricultural Department, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. P.O. Box, 19395-4697


Background and objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tillage techniques and sowing methods on chickpea growth and yield in Charoimak district.
Materials and methods: The study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Some parameters were measured like, establishment percent, plant height, number of main branch, stem weight, leaf number, leaf index, leaf eight, root depth, grain weight in each plant, biomass of plants and harvest index.
Results: Linear sowing with combinate machine and conservation tillage method resulted in 30.6% and 39.7% increase in seed yield compared to traditional sowing, respectively. Planting with protective tillers statistically caused a similar increase in grain yield. Whereas, among the main components of grain yield, the conservation tillage treatment increased the number of grains per plant as compared to linear sowing and increased this trait by 26.1%, while the treatment Linear implantation increased this attribute by 14.6%. One hundred seed weight increased by only 14% compared to traditional seed sowing under linear-sowing. Percentage of chickpea seed emergence only increased the effect of planting with protective tillage by 10.9% compared to traditional seed planting. Vegetative traits such as leaf weight and leaf area were increased under linear tillage and with conservation tillage, which was increased by planting with conservation tillage.
Conclusion: Overall, Conservation tillage methods had a higher yield than conventional system and there was no significant difference between yields of conservative methods treatments. With regards to reduction of costs, direct drilling method is suggested.


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