Experimental Study of a Small Salt Gradient Solar Pond in Shahrekord (Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student of Department of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems, Shahrekord University, Iran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering of Biosystems, Shahrekord University, Iran


Solar energy is the largest resource of clean energy in the world and it is available in most areas. This energy is a durable energy that needs to be collected for use. An example for solar collectors is the solar pond that collect and store solar energy by high concentrated brine. The most common type of solar ponds are salt gradient ponds, which use a gradient layer to prevent the loss of energy. In this research, a small salt gradient pond was constructed with a cylinder diameter of 65 centimeters and a total height of 85 centimeters and examined for 10 weeks. The pond was constructed in a gradient form with three distinct layers and insulated completely. After construction of the pond, concentration of the layers differed slightly from designed concentration due to mixing. However, after a week, the density of the pool reached relative stability and retained its layered structure by the end of the experiment period. The maximum-recorded temperature was 41.7 °C. This little change in temperature of the storage layer could be in result of the low environmental temperature in the region. The surface layer density was increasing during the daily test period. However, the density of the gradient layer had the slightest variation among the pond layers. The temperature increased by an average rate of 0.37 ° C per day.


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