The Short-Term Effect of Conservation Tillage on Maize Yield and Soil Properties in Rotation with Wheat in Dasht-e Naz

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Institute of Agricultural, Iranian research Organization of Science and Technology, Ahmadabad Mostoufi, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran


Conservation tillage method can lead to sustainable agriculture and reduce soil erosion, soil moisture and costs. For conservation tillage application, its effects on yield indicators and soil characteristics should be investigated. This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of conservation systems on maize production in rotation with wheat in Dasht-e- Naz Sari agro-industry. In addition to the conventional method, evaluated treatments were applied to different conditions of wheat residue (absence and presence of crushed residues). Plant height, leaf number and ear weight, potassium content, phosphorus and nitrogen, organic matter, EC, pH, soil moisture and bulk density were measured after planting and harvesting. Although the effects of conservation tillage would occur in a long term, there were no significant differences in some measurements but some changes in different indices. Direct planting of maize in wheat residues showed the highest soil phosphorus content. Also, the effect of treatments on soil moisture content and bulk density after planting showed a significant discrepancy. On the farm with shredded wheat residue and considering that reduced tillage had been applied for wheat planting, corn plant produced larger stem height. In this study, the lack of negative effectiveness of conservation system on the most of the studied quantities was observed. Considering the decrease in use of machinery in conservation methods and its economic and environmental benefits, it can be a strong point for implementation of conservation tillage in Dasht-e Naz Sari agro-industry.


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