Comparison and Evaluation of Double Sided Moldboard Plough with Conventional Moldboard Ploughs

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Dryland Agricultural Research Institute (DARI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Maragheh, Iran.

2 2Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of agricultural Machinery, Bornova-İzmir/Türkiye.

3 Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of agricultural Machinery, Bornova-İzmir/Türkiye.


Moldboard plough (MP) is widely used by farmers around the world. Inverting the soil only to the right side, creating ridges or open furrows in the middle of the field, lower field efficiency, higher fuel consumption and unnecessary traveling on the headland are the disadvantages of these ploughs. In order to eliminate those disadvantages of MP, reversible moldboard plough (RMP) has been developed. However, high depreciation in the turning mechanism of RMP, need for a powerful tractor due to its heavy weight, and its high price caused to limited development of RMP. In this research, to eliminate the disadvantages of MP while maintaining its benefits, new design of moldboard plough named as symmetric moldboard plough (SMP) was developed. For evaluation of the new design of moldboard plough a randomized complete split block experimental design with three main plots of plough types: MP, RMP and SMP beside the sub plots of tillage speeds of 2.7, 4.0 and 4.7 km/h was used. The field experiment of SMP on soil turning was successfully performed. With removal of the top bottoms of RMP, the SMP weight in the prototype model was reduced by 32% and the parts subjected to high depreciation were eliminated. In the field experiment there was no significant differences between the SMP with specific draft of 44.45 kNm-2 and a tested RMP with specific draft of 43.37 kNm-2. But the tested MP with specific draft of 32.73 kNm-2 had the lowest.



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