Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of Power Transmission to Cutter Bar by Mechanical Gearbox Mechanism

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Bio-systems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran


In order to Design, fabrication power transmission to cutter bar by mechanical gearbox mechanism, first, the work done and the combing mechanism of different combines were studied. Then, a new design and idea was made in the workshop and was installed and tested on the cutting shoulder of John Deere 955 combine to test the speed of the saw and the fit of the saw blade. 1000 beats per minute were recorded, which was acceptable in terms of speed and adaptation. In order to achieve different cycles, the power transmission method was used with the help of money and belts, which could be achieved by changing the monetary diameter of different cycles. For better alignment of the saw blade, a connecting rod with the possibility of changing the length was used. By shortening and lengthening the connecting rod, the matching between the saw blade and the saw blade became possible. Then it was tested and evaluated in terms of vibration and emitted sound. According to the obtained results, the new design is acceptable in terms of saw speed and saw blade compliance and is recommended for replacement with previous systems.


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