Agricultural Soil Simulation during Plate Displacement Test Using Finite Element Method and Drucker-Prager Model

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Bio-System Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamadan, Iran


Soil compaction increase is one of the main threats to agricultural soil structure, which may even lead to soil decomposition. In order to prevent the phenomenon of soil compaction, knowing the mechanical properties of soil is important in the determination of the allowable stress limits. Pre-compaction stress, as the maximum stress that soil can withstand without increasing its compaction, is one of the most important mechanical properties of soil. The plate sinkage test is a suitable method for determining the soil pre-compaction stress. The plate subsidence test is a suitable method for determining soil pre-compaction stress.آزمایش فرونشست صفحه یک روش مناسب برای تعیین تنش قبل از تراکم خاک است.
The plate subsidence test is a suitable method for determining the pre-compaction stress of the soil.
آزمایش نشست سطح روشی مناسب برای تعیین تنش قبل از تراکم خاک است.
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In this research, the experimental test of plate deposition on a sample of arable soil (loamy sandy loam) at the moisture content of 15% d.b. with density of In this research, the experimental test of plate deposition on a sample of arable soil (loamy sandy loam) at the level of moisture content of% d.b .15 with density kg.
در این تحقیق ، آزمایش تجربی رسوب صفحات بر روی نمونه ای از خاک زراعی (لومی شنی لومی) در سطح رطوبت٪ d.b .15 با چگالی کیلوگرم انجام شده است.
In this research, the experimental test of plate subsidence on a sample of arable soil (loamy sandy loam) at a moisture content level of 15% d.b. with a density of kg.
در این تحقیق ، آزمایش تجربی فرونشست صفحه بر روی نمونه ای از خاک زراعی (لومی شنی لومی) در سطح رطوبت 15 درصد d.b. با تراکم کیلوگرم
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1500 kg.m-3 was performed and the soil mechanical properties were determined. Then, the plate sitting test was performed in two-dimensional and symmetrical methods by finite element method and Drucker Prager model in Abaqus software and pre-compression stress was predicted by this method. Stress distribution and displacement in the soil depth layers were also analyzed. Stress distribution and displacement in soil layers were also analyzed in depth.توزیع تنش و جابجایی در لایه های خاک نیز در عمق مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.
Also, stress distribution and displacement in soil layers were analyzed in depth.
همچنین ، توزیع تنش و جابجایی در لایه های خاک در عمق مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.
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The results showed that the Drucker-Prager model with a 99% explanation coefficient was in good agreement with the data obtained from the experiments. Examination of compressive stress and displacement in different layers in the soil depth showed that the amount of stress and displacement in the layers close to the load surface was higher than that for the lower layers.
