Behavior investigation of wild privet stem in quasi-static and impact cutting


1 Faculty member of University of Jiroft

2 Faculty member

3 Faculty Member


Design of new tools for pruning hedges cultivated with a shrub like wild privet can have a great impact on the quality of pruning and their appearance in parks. The movement of wild privet stalk during cutting is considered one of the issues of pruning when using common tools, which usually causes uneven pruning. In order to design a new pruning tool, it is necessary to know the shearing mechanical properties of the stalk, such as shear force, cutting energy and shear strength of the stalk. To determine them, a series of a series of experimental tests were performed. The parameters such as shear force, cutting energy, and shear strength were determined with two quasi-static and impact cutting methods in three cutting positions of the fifth, tenth, and fifteenth internode position. In the quasi-static cutting test, the stem samples were subjected to cutting with four cutting speeds of 5, 10, 15, and 20mm/min, and in the impact cutting test, the samples were subjected to cutting with four speeds of 1, 2, 3, and 4m/s. The average moisture content of the samples at the time of the experiment was measured at 75% on a wet basis. The results of quasi-static stalk cutting showed that cutting speed had a significant effect on the parameters of shear strength (P<0.01), and cutting energy (P<0.05), and the stalk cutting position had a significant effect on shear strength (P<0.05), and cutting energy (P<0.01).


Main Subjects

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